Hollowhead wanders in search of prey
At night it hunts and hides by day

It smells your blood
It smells your fear
You’ll pray for death
when it is near

Lock the doors, turn of the lights
and dare not make a sound
for the last thing you want to be
is the next victim its’ found

So stay away from Hollowhead
unless you’re done with living
It’ll swallow your soul and eat your head
its maw is unforgiving

Run from it and you’re done
you’ll die in ghastly fashion
Human flesh it hunts for fun
and thirsts for blood with passion

Hollowhead wanders in search of prey
At night it hunts and hides by day

Heed these words
and keep your head
cause if you don’t
you’ll soon be…

Hollowhead was a scary story/poem we all told around the campfire at Camp Russell, the local Boy Scout camp of the Mohawk Valley when I was growing up.  This story used to scare little kids into going to bed as much and keep others awake at night as they tried, while even acting as a subconscious goblin causing insomnia for many adults. Numbers of people went to bed in fear of the creature that wanted to swallow your soul and eat your head. Nobody really knows how long this poem has been around but my grandmother who grew up in the area, suspected it was before her time, when her family arrived in the Valley in the early 1900s.  She said she knew kids that had claimed to have actually seen Hollowhead but that she didn’t believe in it because she had faith in God and Lord Jesus Christ.

No pictures have ever been taken of the creature but accounts of Hollowhead have been around since the earliest American settlers moved into the valley, and settled the Town of German Flatts. Hollowhead has been identified with German and possibly Dutch folklore mostly, but over time has become a resident parasite of the nightmares of everyone in the Mohawk Valley.

Somewhere in between a demon, a monster and a tentacled God from another dimension, Hallohead is said to possess the face of a porcelain mask that it uses to lure you into the energy of multiple entrancing eyes. Once subdued, it reveals its true self to you and tears you to shreds and steels your skull which it digests then fuses to its own body.

Could Hollowhead be rooted in truth? Did some extraterrestrial being or inter dimensional God ever appear in the Mohawk Valley bringing terror of HP Lovecraftian proportions along with it?

Time will only tell if there will ever be an answer.

Submitted by: Barlowe

Art by: Hal Hefner


The Ghost of 507 Lansing Street
